Battle: Every kill = 1 MG point.
Killing spree ended by you = 3 MG points.
Every 5 killings = 5 MG points + 3 MG points (Bonification).
10 Killed in row = 10 MG points + MG points multiplier x 2 (for 1 day).
15 Killed in row = 15 MG points + MG points multiplier x 3 (for 2 days).
The result would be: All MG points - Death number = You got those MG points
Ctf: Every kill = 1 MG point.
Killing spree ended by you = 3 MG points.
Every 5 killings = 5 MG points + 3 MG points (Bonification).
10 Killed in row = 10 MG points + MG points multiplier x 2 (for 1 day).
15 Killed in row = 15 MG points + MG points multiplier x 3 (for 2 days).
Every flag won = 5 MG points.
The result would be: All MG points - Death number - (5) Flags won by your enemy + (5) Flags won by your team = You got those MG points
Treasure: Every round won = 10 MG points.
The result would be: All MG points = You got those MG points
Tests (Easy): Every 3 rounds won = 1 MG point.
Finish test 1st = 10 MG points.
Finish test 2st = 5 MG points.
Finish test 3st, 4st, 5st... = 1 MG point.
The result would be: All MG points = You got those MG points
Tests (Normal): Every 2 rounds won = 1 MG point.
Finish test 1st = 15 MG points.
Finish test 2st = 7 MG points.
Finish test 3st, 4st, 5st... = 3 MG points.
The result would be: All MG points = You got those MG points
Tests (Hard): Every round won = 1 MG point.
Finish test 1st = 30 MG points.
Finish test 2st = 15 MG points.
Finish test 3st, 4st, 5st... = 7 MG points.
The result would be: All MG points = You got those MG points
Pest: Every kill = 1 MG point.
Killing spree ended by you = 3 MG points.
Every 5 killings = 5 MG points + 3 MG points (Bonification).
10 Killed in row = 10 points + MG points multiplier x 2 (for 1 day).
15 Killed in row = 15 points + MG points multiplier x 3 (for 2 days).
Every minute alive (You aren't last one) = 1 MG point.
Every minute alive (You are last one) = 2 MG points.
The result would be: All MG points - (5) Zombified - Deaths = You got them
Fun levels / gamemodes (Hotel, Coop...) : Every secret revealed (Only 1 time) 1 MG point.
The result would be: All MG points - (5) Zombified - Deaths = You got them
Instagib: Every kill = 1 MG point.
Killing spree ended by you = 3 MG points.
Every 5 killings = 5 MG points + 3 MG points (Bonification).
20 Killed in row = 10 MG points + MG points multiplier x 2 (for 1 day).
25 Killed in row = 15 MG points + MG points multiplier x 3 (for 2 days).
The result would be: All MG points - (Death number : 2) : 2 = You got those MG points
Everyone you make join to MG clan = 10 MG points
Every host (only for a training for MG) = 20 MG points
Every postforums = 3 MG points
NOTE: If a result gives you -0, then it's 0 MG points (You won nothing)